Shipping Update + Free Audio Cassette added + Final Hours to pledge for rare Soundtrack
24 days ago
– Mon, Feb 17, 2025 at 05:22:04 AM
Hi all,
just a quick update for you all,
Shipping update
We expect by the end of this week that all the remaining items will be shipped out to backers. It has been a monumental task with nearly four thousand separate packages to be sent out, with each package being personally assembled and put together by Nicola and myself with 'occasional' help from our son and daughter. Our house has been a temporary shipping station with the pile gradually going down day by day with the end very much in sight now we are pleased to say.
Spain and Ireland have given us considerable customs issues and huge extra admin but this has all been sorted and those packages resent early last week and each person involved personally written to.
For all backers waiting for any items we would suggest giving it until the 24th February before chasing us on your items but as always if you really need to contact us then please do send a message (not a comment) or email us at [email protected]
We would like to thank each and every backer for your patience as the shipping process has been almost as complicated as making the movie!
Final Hours to get your copy of the soundtrack and game + free cassette tape added to the package.

We have been running a short 2 week campaign for the creation of an official soundtrack for this movie and for those that don't know we recently made the decision to add a free audio cassette tape to the Official Movie Soundtrack campaign package and at time of writing we are just 5 pledges away from hitting our minimum 250 order goal which means the album will be a reality. Thank you so much to those backers who pledged for this rare signed and numbered item and if you have not already pledged for it and still wish to do so then you have less than 6 hours to do so, because whatever happens we are closing this campaign this evening at 7:20pm GMT
Free Cassette Tape Added - This campaign only!

The addition of a free audio cassette version of the soundtrack and game to the package was at the request of many backers who wanted to be able to load the exclusive game 'The Vinyl Chapter' on the soundtrack up in the traditional way so we were happy to add it to the soundtrack package. Like the Deluxe collectors boxes (only a very few of those still available for those also interested!) we know these soundtracks will be equally as rare one day so adding a cassette tape makes it feel like a complete package!
There is a trailer for the new official movie tie-in game called 'The Vinyl Chapter' that is included on both the vinyl and audio cassette tape as well as more info on the other items in the soundtrack package on the campaign page here:
And finally...
We're not sure how many updates we will be posting on this campaign with the end so close now but as ever thank you all so much for funding this movie into existence and it's been wonderful reading so many messages from you on how much you have enjoyed the film, it has made making it that much more worth it!
Best wishes!
Anthony and Nicola