
The Rubber Keyed Wonder - 40 years of the ZX Spectrum

Created by Nicola Caulfield & Anthony Caulfield

A film exploring the significance of the Sinclair ZX Spectrum and its role in video game history. The Rubber Keyed Wonder will have a very limited replication run so order your Blu-ray or DVD copy today to avoid disappointment!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Last Chance KS + 1 Hour Archive Bundle + Collectors Box + General Progress!
over 1 year ago – Fri, Jul 07, 2023 at 06:12:41 AM

Hi all,

a very quick update to say thank you to all those backers who just pledged and are now supporting our Final Chance ZX Spectrum Kickstarter! Also thank you to those that watched the new ZX Spectrum film trailer, it seems to have gone down well with many people!

As mentioned last week this current Kickstarter campaign is to allow anyone wishing to become a backer an opportunity to join before we close things off once and for all for fulfilment in September but we also have the new 1 Hour ZX Spectrum Digital Archive Bundle available to all of you!

1 Hour ZX Spectrum Archive Bundle

Many of you have gone in and pledged for the 1 Hour ZX Spectrum Archive Bundle which is wonderful because it will be fantastic to know that people want to see so much more ZX Spectrum goodness! This archive bundle which will be delivered separately from the film, digitally for this Christmas and will contain a lot of the extra detail from developers and others that hardcore fans crave! If you want this pledge for it here:

Two Thirds of Collectors Boxes Now Sold!

Also many of you have taken advantage of the Early Bird Discount saving on the Sinclair 'Signed' Deluxe Collectors Boxes. Please remember we are only making 500 of these, they will be very rare and tied into the film and more than two thirds are now gone so if you want one then you will not want to miss out, there's only a short time left to take advantage of the discount here:

Add-on issue for digital Backers

We have only just discovered that due to a Kickstarter Policy change in May 2023 Kickstarter will not allow digital customers to add a physical add-on to their pledge! This makes no sense to us because a project creator can apply postage to add-ons so a digital customer who decides they want a T-shirt should be able to get it because the postage is applied when they pledge for it. Several backers who kindly just pledged for the 1 Hour ZX Spectrum Archive Bundle wrote to us because they wanted to add an add-on to their pledge but it simply won't let them. Therefore we thought we would help by logging into Kickstarter to shoot a short video on how easy it was to select an add-on only to run aground immediately! A quick check over the Kickstarter rules showed us the policy change. As we said this makes no sense to us and we've written to Kickstarter for a explanation. Sometimes such explanations provide no explanation,  a little like the scene near the end of Star Trek: The Motion Picture with the discussionbetween Admiral Kirk and the Ilia Probe about the creator being that which created Vger, and Vger is that who seeks the creator! 

'The Creator is that who created Vger' + 'Vyger is that who seeks the creator'

Anyway back to earth for a moment, assuming they (Kickstarter) can't help us we will work out an easy way post campaign for any digital only backers still wishing to grab some merch like a poster or T-shirt will be able to do so. However if you do want the 1 Hour Digital Bundle or wish to upgrade your original pledge from a digital to a physical (send us a message if you do this) you do still need to pledge for it here on our new, current Kickstarter Campaign:

And Finally...

It would be rude to leave you without a little something about the film. As our last video explained we spent a few weeks off-lining our own archive material (researching and prepping relevant clips from our archive) from a large number of ZX Spectrum legends and others to sprinkle into the film as we felt it needed it. 

Nicola then spent two weeks editing those elements in and this week she has been watching the film over and over and effectively honing its balance and length. I (Anthony) get to watch it on Monday with all the new material in and my view is very useful as I watch it with fresh eyes. Then I take my notes back to Nicola and we discuss any possible issues or changes. 

We are very close to edit lock now and then the film goes off for finishing and is out of our hands, from there we finish up the extras which we have way to much of (always the case) so this is where the archive Bundle in the new Kickstarter will be great as the bundle will be absolutely packed!

The upshot is we are very advanced along the final straight now. We're going to really miss this project when it's done, it's been a very personal film this, it's been a pleasure to work on so we hope you all enjoy it!

Please do consider supporting the new Kickstarter or spreading the word of it, or at least check out the new trailer as you helped make this film a reality!

We'll be back in touch soon!

Best wishes!

Ant & Nic 

Final Chance Kickstarter now live + New Archive Bundle Perk Available
over 1 year ago – Wed, Jun 28, 2023 at 11:47:52 PM

Hi all,

a very short update video for you all as we have just launched a short 'last chance' Kickstarter campaign for The Rubber-Keyed Wonder to allow those who missed out on the original October 2021 campaign to get in before we close things off and look to ship and fulfil in September 2023. Please note that even though the new campaign says 'Final Cut' there is no actual difference it was just a way of making people realise this is a 'final' chance.

Hopefully if you watch the video the Digital Archive Bundle will be of interest to some of you, it's a wonderful way for us to share some very special unseen ZX Spectrum material from our archives with you and finally get it out!

The Archive bundle came about as we were going through our archives for sequences from ZX Spectrum legends shot across our earlier films to add to the main narrative of the new film. We were a little shocked about how much we had (our archive is many hundreds of hours long)

Also anyone who missed out on the Deluxe 'Signed' Collectors boxes from a couple of months ago can visit this new campaign and grab one before they are gone as more than half of the 500 we're making are now sold! There's a short 7 day 'Early Bird' window we've opened where those backers who missed it can still grab one at a discount, however after that they go up (and stay up) at £200.

Upgrading original Pledges

Also some of you have asked us about upgrading your original pledges such as upgrading from digital to a Physical copy (DVD / Blu-ray) etc so if this is still the case then as the video explains just visit the new campaign, click support us with no reward, pay the amount for the perk you wish to upgrade and then message us (on the new campaign please) so we both have a record of it.

The link to the new Kickstarter is:

Please remember this film is being finished and released regardless, there is no obligation for you to do anything, but as we are only doing one single production run (as we do with all our films) this is a final chance for new backers to become involved or for current backers to grab some extra items and the new Digital Archive bundle before we close it off for good!

Please do share the link as you helped make this film possible so we want as many people as possible to see it!

We'll be back soon with more info on the film itself and the material we've been adding in!

Thank you to each and every one of you for believing in us and helping us make this film a reality!

Best wishes!

Ant & Nic

June 2023 - Ant & Nic General Progress Video
over 1 year ago – Fri, Jun 02, 2023 at 06:05:04 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

almost 2 years ago – Thu, Apr 13, 2023 at 03:15:02 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

ZX Spectrum Deluxe Collectors Box - Over 100 sold in 24 hours! Almost there!
almost 2 years ago – Sun, Apr 02, 2023 at 05:57:51 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.